Den engelske forenings program 2014

 High Leigh High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts from 11-14 August. The theme of this year’s conference is Marriage, Monasticism and the Single Life
Generalsekretæren i England:  Father Stephen Platt  (på engelsk).
ForsidebilledeProgramMonday 11th August
3.30 p.m. Tea
Registration opens
4.30 p.m. Welcome by the General Secretary
LECTURE: speaker to be confirmed
5.45 p.m. Anglican Evening Prayer
6.30 p.m. Dinner
7.45 p.m. LECTURE: Canon Brian Macdonald-Milne – Monastic and religious community life in the South Pacific

Tuesday 12th August
7.30 a.m. Anglican Eucharist (BCP)
8.15 a.m. Breakfast
9.15 a.m. Bible Meditation
9.30 a.m. LECTURE: Hieromonk Seraphim (Aldea): Building an Orthodox monastic community in twenty-first century Britain
10:45 a.m. Coffee
12.30 p.m. EXCURSION to the Orthodox Monastery of St John the Baptist, Tolleshunt Knights, Essex
6.30 p.m. Dinner
9.00 p.m. Panikhida (Orthodox memorial service) for departed members and friends

Wednesday 13th August
7.00 a.m. Orthodox Liturgy
8.15 a.m. Breakfast
9.15 a.m. Bible Meditation
9.30 a.m. LECTURE: Jenny Bond (CTE) – Single people in the Church?
10.45 a.m. Coffee
11.15 a.m. LECTURE: Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia: Marriage and divorce – an Orthodox perspective
1.00 p.m. Lunch
1.30 p.m. Meeting of the Fellowship Council
3.30 p.m. Tea
4.00 p.m. AGM of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius
5.30 p.m. Anglican Evening Prayer
6.30 p.m. Dinner
7.45 p.m. Entertainment

Thursday 14thAugust
7.30 a.m. Anglican Eucharist
8.15 a.m. Breakfast
9.15 a.m. Bible Meditation
9.30 a.m. LECTURE: Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou – title to be confirmed
10.45 a.m. Coffee
11.15 a.m. Plenary Session
1.00 p.m. Lunch, followed by departure



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If you know your Fellowship membership number, please note it here:____________

BOOKING DETAIL – I would like to attend the 2014 Fellowship Conference as:
A resident for the full conference –
□ In an en-suite room – £235
□ In a standard room (limited number of rooms, first come, first served) – £200
 □A resident for the following days and nights: £85 per night (en-suite)
                                                                      £75 per night (standard)
                                         Mon    Tue     Wed
En-suite                             □   □      □
OR Standard                     □   □      □
        * Note: Daily fee includes lunch (except on Monday), supper on the day of stay, and breakfast the following morning.

 A non-resident for the following days only:£40 per day (includes lunch and dinner)
                                        Mon     Tue    Wed    Thu
Days (£40/day):                □    □   □    □
NB Bursaries may be available on request for those in financial hardship or need
□ I am able to offer help with transport on the excursion and can accommodate ___ passengers
Special Requirements:□ Vegetarian □Vegan □ Other (specify): _______________________
Deposit details: (Please tick as appropriate)
□ I enclose my non-refundable deposit of £100 and will pay the balance at the conference
□ I enclose my full payment in the amount of £___________
□ I enclose a donation in the amount of £___________ for the Conference Bursary Fund
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius’. Return completed form and payment to the following address:
The Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, 1 Canterbury Road, Oxford OX2 6LU, England
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